Yes, your organization can definitely afford to hire Travis. In the state of Montana the rate is $1,000.

Regularly conducting benefit auctions for non-profit organizations throughout Montana including: Billings, Belgrade, Bozeman, Butte, Great Falls, Helena, Kalispell, and Missoula.

For the best investment you can make just hire Travis.
Live Benefit Auctioneer in the entire state of Montana
Serving the entire state of Montana
- Consulting on the warm up game
- Consulting on the live-auction (items, order, etc.)
- Consulting on the call for cash portion of the evening
- Conducting the fun warm up game
- Conducting the live-auction
- Conducting the call for cash
Live Benefit Auctioneer throughout the United States
Serving all 50 states as a professional benefit auctioneer
- Consulting on the warm up game
- Consulting on the live-auction (items, order, etc.)
- Consulting on the call for cash portion of the evening
- Conducting the fun warm up game
- Conducting the live-auction
- Conducting the call for cash